**WARNING** This post contains "graphic" pictures. Of the baby, not me. But if you're sensitive like Kent you may want to avert your eyes...
I won't be ready for any close ups for a while, but Hendrik doesn't seem to mind all that much.
After the longest 3 days of my life so far, Hendrik Bryan Hansen decided to make his big debut:
Hendrik Bryan Hansen
November 1, 2009
8lbs, 11oz
21 inches
November 1, 2009
8lbs, 11oz
21 inches
No, I wasn't in active labor for 3 days, but contractions started late Thursday night and continued at varying degrees until he was born on Sunday evening. We drove into work on Friday and around 4:30pm we went over to the hospital to see if the contractions I was having were actually labor. The short story: they weren't. Well, they kind of were but not enough to make anything happen.
There is really nothing short about this delivery story, so I'll do my best to wrap it up quickly. We saw a movie in the city to see if the labor would progress, it didn't, but because I was so uncomfortable they let me stay overnight. In the morning I was still right where I had been, so they sent us home. Saturday was a not-so-fun day as I tried to sleep in between contractions, take walks, clean the kitchen, etc. Things got a little more exciting Saturday night as the contractions got closer together and much more intense until eventually they were 5 mins apart and really painful. So risking another false labor, we headed to the hospital.
By this point, most of the nurses in labor and delivery knew us since we had been in a few times, so they were almost as excited as we were when they saw that I was in pain. Sounds backwards, doesn't it. Anyway, they determined that I had broken my water and I was slowly progressing. I immediately signed up for an epidural, and I don't care what anyone says - that thing is the greatest discovery in medical science. Especially considering that I had been having contractions for so long, not feeling them for a little while was some welcome relief. Not to mention there is no way I would have survived the 2 hours 45 minutes of pushing without one. I'm not one to stand on a soapbox, so if you prefer natural labor, kudos to you, the epidural was awesome for me and I don't regret it.
All of the doctors and nurses were surprised by Hendrik's size when he was born. He came out and one of them said, "Woah! Where were you hiding that kid? Behind your kidneys?" Honestly, doc, yes, I think I was. That would explain why my ribs have been sore for the past two weeks. But, all in all, I guess he was worth it. And thank goodness he has hair...
For those of you wondering about the name: Hendrik is Kent's middle name and his great grandfather on his mother's side. He was the ancestor that first came to America and joined the church. Bryan is my dad's name. So our son is named after two of my favorite guys in the whole world. So by default I guess I just have to love him.
For the record, I DON'T think my own kid is gross, but I DO think other people's pictures of their newborns still slimy from guts and blood is supremely gross. So I apologize that Mel wanted to post these gory pictures for the world. At least she gave you a warning.
Yay! welcome to the universe, mini kent.
I am not grossed out, nor do I think that any mother who has given birth would be either. His conehead--wow. But he recovered nicely and is very cute. I'm sorry that your birthing experience was so painful, I can't exactly relate to that. But I do remember how great it was to just recover in the hospital and be with my cute new son.
Congrats! That kid is huge for a first!
Oh oh oh oh oh! This is just wonderful. Kent, you look like a natural with little Hendo tucked into your arm for a little computer time. Get used to that position.
For the record--no one else gets grossed out by newborns so no need to be shy.
I'm so happy for you two! Well, I'm a lot of emotions for you right now.. just cause I know all of the extremes having that little guy on the outside brings. BUT, I'm so glad you are all safe and sound and recovering. He is a BEAUT!
Kent-I'm waiting for your mushy new dad post. Don't hold out on me. And Mel, way to go girl. No matter how many women have given birth since the beginning of time, you have accomplished something miraculous. Love you guys.
Congratulations! Cool name for a cute kid! I can't believe how big he is, way to go Mel! We're glad we live close so we can hopefully actually meet him!
What a sweet little guy. I know he's good size for a newborn but I still can't help but look and coo over a newborn. Just so fresh, new, and huggable. Way to go on the long and painful labor. No need to explain the epideral - I for one could write a book about my love for them. :) Only one more thing to say: Welcome to the world of parenting! Who would have thought that something so exhausting could bring so much joy??
I'll be honest: I'm slightly grossed out. Thanks for warning, however, so I can't really get annoyed at you. Congratulations on your new kid! He's pretty sweet.
Congratulations! Enjoy the time with him- he won't be this tiny very long. And welcome to the pro-epidural camp. You're in good company.
Jaime just turned to me and said: I want another baby. Oh man...way to go Mel. Don't worry, we won't be getting to that phase for a WHILE.
He sure is a cutee. Can't wait to meet him in person...and can't wait to hear all about him...all the time.
Congratulations! I love labor stories and you have my sympathy on the long pushing. And of course I don't find the pictures gross at all.
That baby is huge. I'm surprised he was only 8-11.
Your delivery story sounds a lot like Michelle's. Don't worry, it starts to get easier by #5. :-)
How wonderful! Congrats, guys!
Exposing the kid to Civ early, I see. As well you should.
Little behind the ball here. Congratulations on the new addition!
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