Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Latest AP Rankings

While we wait for Mel's monumental, epic post that details last weekend in Vermont (due out April 2008), I will keep the masses at bay with a post.

I started looking at Heidi's blog and noticed that even though I hadn't checked it in a week, it still somehow seemed to have new posts! Heidi is turning into a blog-maniac, so I decided to reward her dedication with a comment on EVERY SINGLE POST SHE HAS EVER DARED TO POST. You all can visit her blog by clicking on this link approximately here -->

I also am calling all ALL HANSENS AND MCKINNONS that have access to the World Web Internets to start their own bloggle. As I said in one of Heidi's posts, they need to get on the blogball. If blogball was a sport (and it soon will be), then Heidi would be a consensus number 1 in our family:

1. Heidi
2. Kent and Mel
3. Liesl
4. Grandma Hansen (for not knowing how to use the Interweb).
Others receiving votes: Nobody!!!!

I would say that Holly, Kurt and/or Alice, Michelle, and even JoEllen need to get on the blogball and start up your blog. You don't need to feel pressure because Heidi is a blog powerhouse, posting every month is probably a realistic place to start. I'm not calling out Kristie because I believe they still have dial-up. They're like the Slowskis. Sorry and/or my bad. I love quoting commercials.

In the spirit of the most awesomest season of all (Fall-rhymes! Ha!), I have decided to rank my favorite seasons:

I would have to rank my seasons thusly:

Rank Season Previous
1. Fall (13) 3
2. Summer (5) 1
3. Spring (2) 2
4. Winter (1) 4
Others receiving votes: Indian Summer 12, Brigham Young 5, Canadian Spring 3, Eastern Illinois 1.

Back in the day, Fall was chunt because that meant the beginning of school, which, of course, sucks. Summer was awesome because there was no school, duh and/or of course. Now that I have to go to work year-round, I like Fall the best because of the crispness. Summer is pretty nice, too, although a bit muggy sometimes, but going to the beach in New England is pretty fun. Spring is enjoyable for like 3 weeks at most, usually we get a lot of rain and cold and gloom. The only plus about winter is snowboarding, but I only go like 10 times a year, and 10 days is not going to make up for an entire season.

Coming soon: TV show rankings!


Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

Folksy, folksy. How great to finally be appreciated for my bloginess rather that mocked ('you have WAY too much free time). And also thank you to Kent for posting comments on all my posts. (You have WAY too much free time.)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your free couch!! I hope you get lots of use out of it.

Anonymous said...

I am insanely skeptical about your so-called favorite season. As the previous rankings showed, I know for a FACT summer was always your favorite season, with spring right on it's tail. You're just riding the bandwagon of the favorite season--joining Bruce and Heidi, whom I also very skeptical about as far as favorite seasons are concerned. If I hear ONE slightest bit of whining during Fall, it certainly doesn't qualify as your favorite season. Besides, no one would have Fall as their favorite season without insisting on calling it Autumn. So eat.