Thursday, November 20, 2008

Worst post ever

It's about time for a post. This one is just a boring catch-up post. No pics, either. Only the dedicated will read this one (thanks, Mom!).

So we last left you right when we got back from Hilton Head a couple of weeks ago. Since then, I've had a couple of Saturdays of service with the scouts.

The first one we had a lady in our ward offer to donate some dough to the scout camp fund if we cleaned up all the crapola in her backyard. She lives just down the street from us, so I willingly obliged, thinking that all I'd have to do is pick up the Brockton boys. Well, it turned out that none of the Taunton contingent could drive. So I had to drive 45 minutes to Taunton, pick up 3 boys, drive back to the service place, drop them off, drive to Brockton, pick up 3 boys, and then drive back to the service place. I left my house at 7:30. I got to the service place at 10. We did an hour's worth of work. Then I drove everybody home, this time, I got Brother Billings to take the Brockton boys. I got home at 1. That's 5 and a half hours of schlepping, people. All for 1 hour of service for 6 boys. Our ward boundaries are way too huge.

The next week we sold candy bars at Wal-Mart. I don't recall doing a lot of fundraising as a scout, we did that flag thing around the neighborhood. That's all I can think of. Well, selling candy bars was a lot easier than I thought. I pulled Reggie and Pierre out of their comfy, cozy beds at 9 am and dragged them over to the Halifax WalMart, also about 30 minutes away. We had the 10 am to noon shift, and we sold 200 candy-bars. Not bad for a couple of runt scouts. Reggie even admitted he had fun. Pierre couldn't keep his filthy paws off the samples we were giving out.

I have a pretty good relationship with Pierre. I pick him up every Tuesday for scouts/mutual, and he usually asks me a ton of questions. His family is pretty poor, but he's always in a great mood and very happy in general, even if he's a bit mischevious. His apartment is a hodge-podge of people and pets. He and his mom live with his uncle, and there are a few other little kids living there, as well as another grown man who's always parked in front of the TV. Only Pierre and his mom are members. Pierre has to share a room with his mom, and I can't imagine there's a whole lot of space in that tiny apartment.

I mowed the lawn for the last time this winter. I didn't want to rake the leaves, so I just kept the bag on the mower and emptied the bag every couple of rows. That took a while, but I think it was more efficient than raking the leaves, although there's a lot of shredded leaves sitting down by the ground in the grass. I guess that's good for the soil.

Wow, that was a boring post. I guess you win some and you lose some.


Anonymous said...

I'm more likely to read your non-illustrated posts as I don't have to look at your ugly mug. Although you were right, this was extremely boring. I want that 3 minutes of my life back. Better luck next time.

Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

He would have only wasted them anyway.

The worst part about raking leaves is the part of transferring them from the hugo-pile that you may or may not have jumped in to the old green garbage cans. It just felt weird to 'throw away' leaves. Did they fulfill the measure of their creation??

jaime said...

that was fantastic!

no. i'm serious. fan.tas.tic.

p.s. i just got the ok in december to come on out to boston in february. so you can expect me, my fetus, and my husband to be helping you celebrate your b-day.

Liesl said...

Hey, now you know how I feel every time I post. And I didn't think it was that bad. Reading about Pierre only made me think of "Foxtrot." But really, I actually enjoyed reading it.

JoEllen said...

Naw, definitely not Worst Post Ever-worthy. I like the mixed up posts. Besides, I think you really could have gone on about the Scouts more. And I'm in no position to talk, but some pix of the Halifax WalMart fundraiser would have been really cool.