Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Why am I the only one is who is SICK TO DEATH of all the inauguration coverage? If McCain would've won, would it have been the same? He's BLACK, people, he's not the savior of the universe. Everybody who voted for Obama is acting like this is the parade for the winners of the Super Bowl. Of course, those same people will say I'm just bitter, but I think I'd be sick to death of the coverage even if I had voted for Obama.

It needed to be said. So I said it.


Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

I have a friend who went to the inauguration and said that everyone booed when Bush came out. How immature are the American people? I don't care if you hated him or his decisions, he still dedicated his life for the last 8+ years to the service of this country and does not deserve to be booed. And seriously, Obama is not God. I'm sure that if everything isn't all hunky dory by the time his administration is up, people will be booing him too. Or maybe not because he's black and that's racist.

buffyvandabailey said...

I am going to quote Allan here: "Obama is like the Dave Matthews Band. I don't hate him, just his fans."

Kent said...

I don't usually leave comments on my own post, but I needed to give a shout out. Allan (and Buffy), that is the best quote ever. Truer words have never been spoken. Except maybe "The Book of Mormon is true". Those words were probably truer.

Pete said...

Amen. People here in Manila were shocked and chagrined I did not stay up to watch the coverage. To the best of my knowledge, I have never watched an inauguration. Who cares? It's just a silly little ceremony, usually with a poem and speech.

I was thinking about this on the way to work on why this is such a big deal and I thought it might be because there has not been an election with a clear majority in quite a while. Let's review:

2004 - No inauguration. Bush repeats.

2000 - Bush v. Gore. That was an ugly finish.

1996 - No inauguration. Clinton repeats.

1992 - Clinton wins, but with only 42% of the popular vote, since Ross Perot took a healthy slice.

1988 - Bush v. Dukakis? - I think people saw this as a continuation of the Reagan years.

1984 - No inauguration - Reagan repeats.

1980 - This was the last election where a new guy from a new party got more than 50% of the vote. However, I was only three, so I don't remember if they went bonkers. But perhaps people have been waiting 28 years for a big celebration and this was it.

Liesl said...

Kent, it's okay that you haven't called me back, because what I called you about is long forgotten about, and you commented on my blog when nobody else did.

I ranted and raved in my journal about the whole Obama stuff, too. In fact, I've made fun of all the people who act as though Obama is God. He hasn't even done a SINGLE THING, people. Man!

Anonymous said...

My college mentor called me 30 minutes later than she was supposed to on the 20th because she was having an "Obama Party."

Kristin has a friend who wrote on her facebook page "I can't wait until January 20th!!!!"

AND now all CNN can talk about it what criminal charges G.W. Bush should face. For Crying OUT LOUD@! *$^#%!@

This country, as my mentor said, needs to have something to be excited about. THIS IS TRUE. But, Obama is a politician. I don't respect politicians unless I truly believe they are sincere. Now while I think he is sincere about helping this country I have to BELIEVE that his MAIN concern is his legacy... ALREADY just two days in office. Barrack, focus on the task at hand. You already slapped us in the face during these tough economic time by spending OUTRAGIOUS amounts of money of your campaign and PARTIES!!??!! Do something right and quit spending others money so wrecklessly so that you can have something that will show up in history books.

Its like with the DNC in Denver, he wanted to be bigger and better than anyone so they booked the Broncos stadium instead of traditional arena stuff. He makes sure that everyone calls him black instead of a half-breed. JUST CAUSE THATS WHAT IS SEEN ON THE OUTSIDE!!. Its the truth, this country isn't so color-blind afterall. I wish we were, because racism doesn't always have to be about persecuting the blacks, it has many different ways of showing itself.

Anonymous said...

By the way, CNN covers OBAMA (all good stuff) and the criminal charges they believe should be put against Bush... (All bad)

Just to clarify what I left out.

Lorana said...

At least now there are some media people who are finally willing to get down to business and ask the real questions. The campaign, election, and inauguration hoopla is all over and everyone's watching to see what the man's actually going to DO. I sure don't envy Obama one bit.

M-Ware said...

oh, i guess my comment didn't post. but yeah, that's what i thought, too. so obama is god. interesting. speaking of which. are you on twitter? if so, you should follow HolyGod. that guy/girl/president of the usa behind it is hilarious.