Saturday, March 6, 2010

Calling All Captions

While I sort through all of the photos I just uploaded, give us your best captions for these pictures:




kurt said...

#1. "Uhhhh, Mom, you might wanna come take a look at this..."

#2. "You better not be serving me with those disgusting peppers."

Pete said...

1. A sad melancholy passed between them as Hendrick realized that nothing had been ordered for him.

2. Hendrick sat defiantly on strike and refused to continue cutting. He considered himself a skilled worker, not a galley hand.

Kristin said...

#1. Wonder if she smells it yet. I give her 5, 4, 3, 2...

#2. I know what you're thinking. What irresponsible parents. But it's like dad says, I have to pull my weight around here.

Brian said...

#1 Mom, which fork do I use first?

#2 Dad said I was next if I let out a peep.

Vanessa said...

HAHAHA to Pete! I really can't beat that one... but I will say that Hendrick is delish. And I'm proud of you for venturing to what seems to be an upscale restaurant with such a little munchkin. And I need one of those little seat things for my next bubby. What are they called? Bumbo? or something equally awesome?

Kent said...

#1-Freakin' joystick keeps jamming on my PSP!

#2-You call that dicing green peppers? Throw it away and try it again, Mom! I'm not eating that crap.

Brian said...

#1: "I don't know what this white thing she put on my lap is for, but it's the next thing going in my mouth, I TELL YOU WHUT."

#2: "Let's see, peppers all diced...what's next? WHAT'S NEXT?"

Brian said...

Photo 1:

Melanie: “Thanks for dinner Hendrik!”

Hendrik: “No problem mom.” As he checks E*Trade on his BlackBerry.

Photo 2:

Peppers, peppers, we don’t need no stinking peppers. Give me some Kenny Fudge!

Bruce Hansen said...

#1: "Melanie, I'm not content."

#2: "Diced half a pepper in 3.2 seconds. Your turn."