Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Second Annual Halloween Park Trip

We've decided to make it an annual tradition to visit our town park on Halloween. Last year it was unseasonably warm and I looked a little like this:

My favorite part of that day was later when I answered the door for some trick-or-treaters and a little girl (at eye-level to my belly) asked,

"Are you having a baby?"

I just handed her an extra piece of candy and replied,

"I certainly hope so..."

This year it was a little chillier than last, but was much more fun, at least from my perspective...


kurt said...

Is Hendrik already one? I can't believe how tiny he is!!

Very cute video of him going down the slide. Also pretty dang brave for going down head-first.

Brian said...

I had a dream about Hendrik the other day. He was cute as ever.

I can't remember the point of the dream, though...

llq said...

He is so cute!

- Lindsay