Friday, April 12, 2013

21 Days of Cleanse: Day 12

I gained .4 lbs yesterday, so now I'm at 191.4.  Even thought it's obviously not ideal to gain weight, I'm not too discouraged by this anymore, as I'm just pretty used to this diet now.  Fridays are tough because Friday is pizza day at the Hansen household, and I would love to get some pizza and sink my teeth into a nice, greasy, cheesy slice o' pizza.  I think pizza is the food I miss most.

Yesterday we had a big afternoon meeting at work and they brought in snacks, including soda, chips, and desserts from Panera.  They had these frosted brownies there that just looked incredible.  Also - no one was touching them.  I wanted to just grab 10 of them, eat 2, and then take the rest home for dinner.  The meeting was 90 minutes - I probably thought about those brownies for 89 of them.

The book about the cleanse says that your desire for the unhealthy foods will decrease.  I don't know if that's happened to me yet.  I'm not that unhealthy of an eater.  I don't eat that much fast food, I don't eat too big of portions, and I love fruits and vegetables.  My biggest weakness is desserts - homemade cookies, brownies, cakes, etc, are the best.  I make a big batch of cookies every few weeks at home.  I say it's for my family, but it's really just for me, and I guess they can have some if I don't wolf them down first.

Obviously, those habits will have to change if I'm going to keep the weight off.  However, it's nice to know that the cleanse isn't that bad, and I may make it a post-holiday tradition, because what kind of steel-hearted soul can deny themselves all the pies at Thanksgiving, cookies and treats at Christmas, and mounds of cookies on MLK Day?  Is that not a thing?

Monday's a holiday in MA.  It's called "Patriot's Day", similar I guess to Pioneer Day or other state holidays.  So I won't probably be writing again until next Tuesday, and maybe I'll be under 190 by then!


Lorana said...

If you can allow yourself those indulgences (which are, after all, only once a year) it makes it easier to be well-behaved the rest of the time. Or so they say. (Who the heck are 'they' anyway) I think of Grandpa, living on Grandma's baking and living to be 91. Moderation is the key to just about everything. I had too much of a certain favorite Easter candy last week, followed by probably too much dinner. I also happened to catch the stomach flu, and therefore ate less the next day than even you did. It made me consider what goes into my body and in what quantities.
Good going resisting the brownies. That sounds like pure torture.

Vanessa said...

This is all so interesting! I'm in a "delicate condition" right now and so I can't do a cleanse... But you better believe after spending the last year of my life losing a drastic amount of weight, I'm craving one! That's the cool part about doing this sort of change... You're body will want to keep it up. And you'll definitely notice how crappy crappy foods make you feel so it is much easier to be motivated to eat better in the future. The detox is the hard part. Anyway, super proud of you! Also, id love the cleanse details. Keep up the good work!

Bruce Hansen said...

Michelle saw me reading your blog just now and asked me if I was going to do this. I thought, "Why not?" So I am hereby announcing that I, Bruce Hansen, will read every single one of Kent's cleanse blogs, sooner or later.

Hopefully announcing this publicly will give me more incentive to do it.

Melanie said...

Just hearing about the brownies made me want one pretty bad, so I can't imagine sitting in front of them and smelling them for and hour and a half. You're amazing!