Wednesday, April 3, 2013

21 Days of Cleanse: Day 3

Yesterday was both a good day and a very, very difficult one.  It started out great, and the afternoon flew by.  However, I had a client dinner that night, and I had to sit around delicious food for the better part of 3 hours.  I was able to have an entree, but I couldn't touch the sides.

The other tough part was the fact that it was freezing, and one of the side-benefits of being a chunkster was that I was much warmer than when I was skinny.  Anyway, I was also underdressed, with a light jacket, and had to walk 20 minutes to the train and then bike home from the station against the brisk wind.  When I got home, I was pretty light-headed and went to bed immediately.

Today, I weighed 199.8 lbs, so only .4 less than yesterday, which is of course meaningless.  So no motivation there, except maybe some good feelings that I kept day 1's weight off.  I didn't do any exercise this morning, since I was so light-headed the day before.  I may try again tomorrow, but I'll feel it out.

A friend told me that "day 3 is the hardest".  My stomach's been rumbling all day, so it certainly hasn't been easy.  Mel keeps telling me that my stomach is supposed to shrink and that it will be easier.  I certainly hope so.  At this point, I feel like I'm just white-knuckling it, and that's not sustainable.

I liken this experience to going on a mission.  When you enter the MTC, you have these 2 years ahead of you, you have to master the gospel, the language, and live in a strange place.  It's all very overwhelming, and if you try to internalize it at once, you just freak out.  I remember lying in my bed that first evening, having left my family7 hours before, and wondering if I could do this 730 more times.  I felt this way again when I got to Poland, not understanding a word of the language, and wondered how I would ever do this.

To quote the immortal Wally from "Dilbert": "This job has taught me that I can get used to anything."  I also had that same realization on my mission, probably about halfway in.  You just start getting used to anything, and it's not that bad.  I certainly hope that's the case with this cleanse.


Melanie said...

Day 3 and I think you're doing great! If you're feeling miserable or grouchy you're doing a great job of hiding it.

Lorana said...

The good news is this is a LOT shorter than your mission. I hope you start to see and feel the benefits soon.