Friday, April 5, 2013

21 Days of Cleanse: Day 5

197.6 again.  No change.  At all.  Not even .2 lbs, which is the minimum incremental change on my scale.  So, not motivating.

However!  I feel pretty good.  Not really noticing the hunger pains, and lunch was filling, I didn't even eat every grain of rice like I've been doing.  (I know, Ma, Major Wastage)

Funny story:  I went to a meeting at 11, got out at noon.  I was thinking at the end of the meeting how I could possibly make it 'til 1 without eating.  Then I walked out of the room, and someone had pizza catered for whatever they were doing in the next room.  It smelled strongly of BBQ chicken - which I love on pizza - so strongly that my tongue started burning.  Seriously, burning.  Almost like my taste buds were trying to jump off of my tongue onto something fatty and, therefore, delicious.  I pictured them saying this to me:

"Kent, you've spoiled us for years.  Junk food, pizza, cookies, candy, ice cream.  What's happened?  We haven't got that for 5 days now!  If you're not going to do something about it, we're going to take matters into our own hands."  And that's when they tried to jump off my tongue.  I kept my mouth sealed tight!

I fled immediately.  You can't let your taste buds run your life.  Flee from temptation!

So I had my filling lunch and I'm feeling good.  The weekend will be tough.  I doubt I'll write - I don't like typing on weekends - so just now that I'm going to be spending conference listening intently to the talks and not eating snacks like I usually do.  Or I'll be napping, like I also usually do.  And just like you pretend not to do.

1 comment:

Lorana said...

I've heard that you can plateau after beginning to lose weight, but it should start dropping again after awhile.
And I for one never fall asleep during confer.....zzzzz