Mom & Dad
Grandma Ellen
Paula & Scott
Neil & Kristie
Bruce & Michelle
JoEllen & Mark
Kent & I
Heidi & Aaron
I feel it necessary to say just how impressed I am with Mom Hansen's ability to organize such a night and not rip her hair out at the end of it. In fact, I believe she was able to actually enjoy herself. The program for the evening went a little something like this:
Nativity (written, directed, and produced by Heidi)
Carol Sing-a-long
JoEllen actually really does look amazing for being 8 months preggers. Either that or she is fatter than I thought.
Eli skipped one of the "Rah, rah, rah-rah-rah"'s, but I'll still give it a B+.
I thought Suzie's cuteness would be unmatcheable. And then Mindy the ditzy albino came along.
From what I've heard, I actually cried more as a baby/toddler than even Matthew does.
I think Mom is yelling at Garrett to stop horsing around on the rink during that pic.
I actually think Nap D. got more air on Pedro's sweet bike than Talmage there.
Those 4 granddaughters may be all smiles there, but wait until they're playing house...
I'm sad I couldn't be there for Christmas, but I'm thankful for all the pics that remind me of the madness.
There are more pics of Kent playing "Bill Grogan's Goat" than there are of me playing everything I've ever played on the piano. Put together.
I'm fastly running out of things to say.
If you notice the times that are below each comment, you'll realize I made a serious choke on my 3rd comment.
I really hope you hate that professional football team that plays in the greater New England area. And I really hope that the Colts repeat as Super Bowl Champs. Or at least play a team that will win their unprecedented 6th Super Bowl this year.
You should also know that I actually don't dislike with an extreme passion the Yankees anymore.
The reason?
Because I've decided that the entire city of Boston needs to suffer a horrible, ignominious death when it comes to ALL things sports.
The Boston Celtics have gone from "I really don't fetchin' care about them" to most hated team in all NBA in record time. And the season isn't even half over yet.
Obviously, the Red Sox are by far my most hated team in baseball. The Yankees? Not even in the top ten of "Hate". Just to spite Red Sox fans. I can't have them in the top 15, though. Not yet.
In retrospect, I'm coming THIS close to actually trying to retain the fact I was going for the Red Sox in the '04 World Series. THIS close.
I even like the Pistons, now. Just because I hate the Celtics so much. I like them!
I'm sorry this is turning into a personal blog. This ended up being harder than I thought it would be.
I think this era of sports might be the defining era of my passions for teams. My father and his generation were greatly influenced by the sheer domination of the Yankees in the 40s, 50s, early 60s. But I didn't live then.
That being said, my favorite teams will of course always be the same. I'll still go for the Cowboys over the Colts. Lakers over everybody. Rangers over everybody. Topeka Shuffleboarders over everybody.
I actually really enjoy your blogs, too. It's easier for me to comment on Kent's, not because his entries are better, but because I know him better.
That's brilliant, Kurt. I loved that. Now, back to Melanie's post... I like those pictures of us. They're great! Now, for a little pimping: nobody can download the pictures you have on your slideshow, as opposed to this site, with individual pictures you CAN do that, which isn't so great. So, I recommend Slide. You can go there if you go to my page. So, an excuse for you to look at my page, but also a security tip. We both win! Huzzah!
Actually, Melanie, I'm afraid you left someone off the list--it was Heather--Tyler's guest. But otherwise, great job.
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