Monday, December 10, 2007


So my buddy Jason, aka Flex, aka Husband of DOB, aka Mahonri Moriancumr, was reading my last post and told me that he got an ACTUAL WALK-OFF SAFETY in Super Tecmo Bowl.

Here is what happened, in his own words:

"I was Detroit who has an okay defense unless I am playing with them. It came down to the last 3 minutes of the game, which in real time equals about 30 seconds. I was up most of the game, but somehow I couldn’t sack their QB enough so they were just driving down by passing. Their running game was futile. With about 20 seconds left they were on their 35 yard line. They launched a ball that clearly going for a big gain. Luckily my D tackled the guy on about the 30 yard line. I thought I was safe, except I was only up 3. They went for the field goal, and knocked it through the uprights. Ugh. OVERTIME. That wasn’t bad, except they got the ball first, and from what they did last series I was doomed. I kicked a whopper, all the way to the endzone and we tackled them on the 10 yard line. Anyone who has played it enough knows that the run the ball that close out of their endzone. Sure enough, I tackled them for a 5 yard loss. Next play play action, incomplete pass. 3rd down and 15. Run play again. I called it and BAM!!! Walk off sudden death safety. If I hadn’t been in the middle of class I would have been jumping and shouting about this one."

Wow! Isn't that just amazing? I'm speechless. I'm without speech. My arms are shaking as I type this, my heart beating a million times a minute. This is what heaven is like.


Anonymous said...

I have a question, how is he playing it in class?

Anonymous said...

i has two questions: great blog!

Kent said...

I don't know the specifics, but I think he's got a simulator and he's playing it over the Internet? I haven't looked into it yet.

Anonymous said...

Ya that's right. Simulator. Greatest invention for bored students.

jaime said...


so that's what you are doing in class? i'm so glad we are tens of thousands of dollars in debt so you can play super tecmo bowl.

but congrats on your walk-off safety

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.