Thursday, April 11, 2013

21 Days of Cleanse: Day 11

Excuse the silence, the last couple of days have been pretty busy.  Also, fairly uneventful, especially because both Tuesday and Wednesday looked the same as Monday, scale-wise (193.2).  I was expecting the same this morning, but was motivated to see 191.0 on the scale, bringing the weight-loss total to 12.2 lbs!  Most people would say just 12 lbs, but I'm a Hansen, and I want credit for the extra .2.

Here's a funny story:  One of the keys to this program is being regular.  You know what I mean.  A big change in diet may tend to screw things up downstairs.  Neil recommended I buy a specific natural laxative if things weren't "flowing".  I first looked for it at CVS.  I went to one in downtown Boston during lunch.  This CVS is always crowded during lunch - people picking up snacks and other items for their workday afternoon. This day was no different.  After walking around for a while, an employee asked if I needed help.  I said, under my breath "laxatives". The response, in a booming voice, "OH THE LAXATIVES ARE OVER HERE".  As if that wasn't enough, the original employee couldn't find them, and asked another employee where the laxatives were.  "LAXATIVES?  DID YOU SAY LAXATIVES?  SIR, IS IT TRUE THAT YOU, AND NO ONE ELSE, ARE LOOKING FOR LAXATIVES?"  Let me repeat that this is among a large quantity of people.  The kicker is that they didn't even have the kind I was looking for, so I left.

Very much like this old Bloom County cartoon.

Anyway, I'm now officially past the halfway point, and that is pretty motivating.  I'd like to lose 12 more lbs and get to 179, but I'll settle for 179.2.  However, I realize it's likely that my weight gain will not be as much as thus far, so there's a chance I may extend the cleanse until I get under 180.


E B said...

Good work.
Hey Kent, I've been meaning to tell you we're moving nearby soon. Boston will be our temple. (This is Eva)

Melanie said...

I know it was probably a painful experience, but it makes me laugh all the same. People can be so insensitive, aren't they embarrassed to be shouting about laxatives?