Friday, March 7, 2008

AP Top 25 Candy...Now with bottom 10 rankings!

Every kid loves candy, goes CRAZY for all things candy-related. In our house, we didn't get allowances, we got candybars. 1 for doing your job, 1 for cleaning up your room clean, 3 if you mowed the lawn, 1 if you swept the driveway, etc.

Unfortunately, 1 or 2 candy bars a week was not going to cut it. My older brother Brian managed to save his Halloween candy to last until the next Halloween, but the rest of us didn't have that kind of discipline. We would do odd jobs for neighbors to make pennies just to cross the extremely perilous street of 8th North to buy candy at the fruit stand. They sold EVERYTHING there. Seriously, at least 50 to 100 types of candy. Everything to the penny candy (Frooties) to the King Size Tangy Taffy (50 cents!). We would dodge Semi's screaming down the highway at 50 mph like we were on Frogger just for 7 cent's worth of Frooties. My little brother Kurt almost got ran over right in front of my eyes.

So now, more than ever, I appreciate the fact that I make enough money to buy boxes of candy bars. I also appreciate the fact that I am now the driver of the cars trying to run over the kids. This leads me to the always controversial Candy Rankings:

25. Salt water taffy - Not to be confused with the Orange/Black crap candy described below.
24. Cinnamon Bears - Is it possible to eat a cinnamon bear without biting its head off first? I know I haven't been able to.
23. Whoppers - Just airy enough that you can eat about a million of these and not get full.
22. Fun Dip - This may be extinct, but I remembered how great it was to dip the stick in the pouch and pull it out with sugary goodness. I always threw the dipping stick away after I was done, it wasn't good enough to eat by itself.
21. Nerds - I had some double-dipped Nerds the other day and those were delectable. Extra points for the easy-pour packaging.
20. Pixie Sticks - Pure sugar. The novice will try to suck the sugar out but that makes the paper end all gunky with sugar and then you can't get a nice flow into your mouth. You need to open and dump it upside down into your mouth. This is risky because you might spill some precious flavored sugar on the ground.
19. Gummi Bears/Worms - I prefer the texture and novelty of eating worms over eating bears.
18. Black Licorice, and/or black jelly beans. This is up here purely for controversy, as black licorice is the single-most polarizing issue on earth. You can never offer someone a black jelly bean without getting their opinion on it:

Question: "Would you like a black jelly bean?"
Answer number 1: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Are you crazy?! Black jelly beans are the equivalent of deer pellets! I would rather kill my own mother than eat a black jelly bean!"
Answer number 2: "Yes, I would. Black jelly beans are delicious. Anybody who thinks otherwise should kill their own mother. I am a sensible person and right on this issue, even though it's purely a matter of taste."

17. Junior Mints - You have to quote Kramer every time you eat a Junior Mint: "It's very refreshing!"
16. M&M's - This loses points because the plain ones are so worthless. Why would you ever purchase Plain when you could buy Peanut or Peanut Butter for the same price?
15. Big League Chew - Is there anything better for a 10 year old at a little league game than reaching into a bag of Big League Chew and pulling out strands of gum? I submit that there there is NOT!
14. Rolo/Milk Duds - Essentially the same candy, although Milk Duds are more of a workout for your jaw than candy.
13. Airheads - What's the deal with the mystery flavor?
12. Caramello - Always a big fat mess with caramel strands everywhere.
11. Mint 3 Musketeers - I wasn't a fan of regular 3 Musketeers, but the mint is a huge upgrade.
10. Milky Way
9. Peach Rings - These make my teeth hurt after about 5 of them. They also pioneered the gummy movement that had a white bottom and a orangle/green/blue top, for example the gummi sharks, penguins, the apple rings, etc. The gummi sharks and penguins were never any good, however. I guess I just never cared much for penguin meat.
8. Strawberry Charleston Chew - Regular Chuck Chew was alright, but strawberry was heavenly. Although this probably belongs in the "discontinued" section below, I haven't seen it in ages.
7. Sweettarts - Chewy sweettarts were the best version of these, but I just love tarts. That's why I married one.
6. Nibs - Mmmmmmmmmmmm. I don't know why these are so much better than regular Twizzlers, but they are.
5. Starburst - My favorite kind was the blue one-California fruits. They changed them around a bit, but they're still really good.
4. Snickers - A classic.
3. Twix - I like the alternative flavors a lot, like cookies and cream and peanut butter.
2. Reese's - There is nothing better than chocolate with artificial peanut butter. The only problem I have is that there is so much wrapping, and sometimes the bottom layer will get stuck to the cup wrapper thingee. Then you have to lick it off, and your chocolate/peanut butter ratio is all screwed up.
1. Tangy Taffy - This is no longer called "Tangy Taffy", it merged with "Laffy Taffy" but it does not have the same taste as the regular Laffy Taffy. This is also discontinued, unless you're a Tangy Taffy freak like me and you special order from the Internet. I currently have 2 boxes of Tangy Taffy in my desk at work. I spent about 80 bucks on taffy last order (about 6 months ago).

Not that good:

10. Candy corn - Too waxy
9. Bit o'honey - Too unedible
8. Big Hunk - Only good if you need a few teeth to come out
7. Plain M and M's - Booooooring
6. Plain Kisses - Plain chocolate is lame
5. Hugs/Any sort of white chocolate - For rappers or candy, white chocolate has GOT to go
4. European Chocolate - Also up here purely for the controversy. I can't decide if people talk about how heavenly Euro chocolate is because they want to tell everyone about the time they went to Prague, or if they really like it that much more, but I would say that I'm not a big fan. I'll take my Snickers any day of the week. I will admit that I like Euro Snickers better than US Snickers, but there's not much difference, it's just less sweet. It also could be because Euro candy (especially in Poland and Russia) is downright nasty so any good candy tastes divine in comparison.
3. Orange Slices - Although they always look tasty, I end up taking a bite and thinking, "Why am I eating this?"
2. Gummi sharks/penguins
1. Those white candies wrapped in orange or black paper that you got at Halloween. "This is gonna be some crap candy." -Seinfeld

That crap candy reminds me of the year(s) that our house gave out peanuts instead of candy. Those were embarrassing years, I'm lucky we survived without getting our house egged. Maybe the kids in our neighborhood were just glad they didn't get more Smarties or Tootsie Rolls. We made up for it a few years later giving out Airheads. I felt like we were the richest family in the neighborhood.

Extinct candy that I remember being snacktacular:
Tiny tarts - Does anybody remember these?
Peanut Butter Snickers - In 8th grade I would ride my bike a mile down to Macey's just to buy these. Then I'd have to sneak them in past Mom so she wouldn't know I was wasting my money on candy. I'm pretty sure it would give Tangy Taffy a run for its money if it was still around.
Whatchamacallit - This might be still in production.
Bar None - I can't remember much about this bar except it was good.


jaime said...

i love this post.

black jelly beans: the best of all the jelly beans. and yes, i ALWAYS have to give my opinion of the black jelly bean. but they are just so dang good. and did you know you can buy a whole bag of just black ones now. it's true. i saw it at target.

big hunk: my dad has broken 3 teeth and those bad boys. he still eats them, but only on road trips...

pixie sticks: on halloween in the 6th grade me and the cutest boy in school decided to snort these up our nose. don't do that. it hurts.

and finally, how can you not be a fan of euro chocolate. nothing is better than a plain piece of euro chocolate.

and there you have it. my opinions in the form of a very long comment. sorry. i just have a passion for candy.

Anonymous said...

My legs are still shaking. I'm also pretty sure that car completely ruined it's tires and brakes from that incident, which is why we ran. And never told mom.

The only reason I can think of why I was preserved was so I could write sarcastic comments on your blog.

3 things:

1. Skittles? Jelly-Bellies?
2. Tchwix better than Snickers and Starburst?
3. Great job on having a ranking. Now combine it with a few others' top 25, and we can have an AP, Coaches Polls, even BCS rankings. Snickers and Tchwix will be in a BCS bowl every year, Kent. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

So did Kurt almost get RAN over or did he almost get RUN over? This is a sincere question. I'm not a really big candy person but I do enjoy some good chocolate especially when I don't have to pay for it. The new Utah Truffle Bars are pretty amazingly good.

Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

How about let's stop leaving anonymous comments. Also, did you know that BYU sells tangy taffys? They're in the Cougar express and I buy them now and then. I know they have the purple one and the watermelon one with the weird seeds that for some reason I like. The lengths I go to for candy...Shera and I would ride our bikes to Macey's and spend all our money (like $20) on candy.

Pete said...

Anonymous posts are only allowed if it is obvious who is posting. And if its obvious, you might as well just sign in.

With respect to candy, I appreciate the Seinfeld references. One other that might have been included are Jujy Fruits, but probably only in the bottom 10 list, since I hate fruit-based candy.

I object to plain M&Ms being on the bottom 10 list. They are one of my favorites. I find the Peanut ones too large and the Peanut Butter ones not chocolately enough.

Brooke said...

Sweettart wife reference... pretty...sweet:)

Not a fan of black licorice or jelly beans. Other than that, I don't really have an opinion on them.

Actually, I'm not really a fan of candy. Yeah, I'll eat it every now and again, but I don't love it like I used to. Lately I have been enjoying ice cream candy bars. Like the ice cream snickers they sell at Costco! Yummy!!! So maybe I'm more of an ice cream fan.

Brian said...

European chocolate: overrated.

Black Licorice, whether jelly beans or otherwise: not so overrated. Dagnabbed good, in fact.

That's the stance that I've got on those two controversies.

By the way, I think I may still have some Bar Squats from Halloween '89 if you want some.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, the former Communist Euro countries have not figured out how to make chocolate yet. It takes a genuine freedom-loving country many decades to learn how to make chocolate that is truly delectable.

(Speaking of which, Kent, when I mentioned Brian Regan to you a couple of months ago you gave me this bored, cooler-than-thou response, yet here you are quoting him twice! What giveth?)

Anyway, try the Milchen Hazelnut bars next time you're hanging with the EuroTrash.

Whatchamacallit is still in production. I think Bar None is gone, but it was good. A lot like Whatch., in fact.

Good list.

JoEllen said...

Oh, come now. Clearly you are not a true Chocolate fan... how could you condemn "plain chocolate, too boring" to the bottom rankings? Chocolate has many forms, almost all of which are wonderful. However, I must offer a tip: if one type is indulged in exclusively for too long, it can ruin other types of chocolate. Case in point: summer of '96, living in Belgium with a bunch of Belgians, ate too much Belge chocolat and temporarily ruined my favorite drink (choc milk, of course!) upon returning to the US. Likewise, too much ultrasweet milk chocolate (such as is found in Reese's or Chili's molten cake) makes dark, semi-sweet, or EuroChoc just too darned bitter.
BTW, I did NOT correct your grammar in the story going to the fruit stand.

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