Sunday, February 10, 2013

14 Days of Kent: Day 10

I thought that Sunday was an appropriate day to talk about how faithful Kent is; to me and to God.

I know the media probably introduces infidelity into plot lines more often than it usually happens because it creates drama, but it is truly disturbing to me how commonplace it seems. I get frustrated that in so many books, movies, and TV shows it’s glossed over and not portrayed as horribly as I believe it really is. I’m really grateful to have a husband who is faithful to me and our marriage. I’m glad that I don’t have to worry about what he’s “really” doing when he has to work late or go out of town. I’m really glad that he’s so excited to be at home with me and our children and he makes me feel so loved.

I do think there is a problem with marriage not being valued or taken seriously enough anymore, and I really appreciate that Kent does. He made a commitment to me and a promise to God, and he is keeping both of those, most importantly because he wants to. I’ve heard it said that a volunteer is often the most productive worker because they are choosing to do whatever it is. I think this applies to a happy marriage as well. I’m grateful that Kent and I made good decisions so that neither one of us felt “forced” into our relationship. He married me because he loved me and he wanted to. And he stays married to me because he loves me and he wants to be. I feel that when you know the other person is in the relationship because it’s what they wanted, it makes it easier to work through issues and have difficult conversations. You aren’t afraid of confronting things because you know he wants to find a solution just as much as you do. So thank you Kent for choosing to be with me and choosing to be happy with me. It is a choice, you know.

I’m also really grateful of Kent’s faith in God. You could say his faith in God is what brought us together considering we met each other at church. It is certainly a huge part of what keeps us together. Kent and I were having a conversation a little while ago and he told me, “No one seems to believe it, but God’s way is really the easy way.” It’s really true. If you’re focused on following what God teaches, what he wants us to be doing, your life is so much easier and happier – even through the tough times. Maybe especially through the tough times.

Kent impresses me with his ability to remember God at all times – to reach out to Him when we need to. Last May we received devastating news that Kent’s sister-in-law had been admitted to the hospital, and things did not look good. Kent immediately prayed, and we did that a number of times over the next few days as Alice continued to decline. This was an incredibly hard time, but Kent’s faith that God knew what He was doing and He was looking over Alice is what helped us deal with it. It has been a huge factor in coping with her passing as well. I’m grateful that I have Kent to lead our family and keep us in the right direction. Our marriage, family, and life are certainly better for it.

One of my favorite things is listening to Kent help Hendrik pray. There have been times that Hendrik would wake up crying because his knee/ear/arm/toes/head hurt. We have come to believe that these are phantom injuries since they don't seem to plague him during the day. But on one occasion, Kent got up to check on Hendrik and I overheard his typical complaint. And then I heard Kent say, "Well, why don't we pray and ask Heavenly Father to help you feel better?" Then he walked Hendrik through a very simple prayer. Honestly, I don't think I would have done the same thing. I would have relied on my own ability to comfort my son and missed out on an opportunity to teach him that God loves him. 

I think Kent is really humble about his faith and often points out others that he thinks are so strong. But I see on a daily basis the power of Kent’s faith and I’m grateful that I have his example to follow.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I like how Kent said "God's way is really the easy way." It's true, and not only that, but the best way. In everything we do -- at home, work, school, or play. Kent teaching Hendrik to pray is one of the best things he can do in a world that increasingly thinks they can do it on their own. But we all need help -- both individually and as a society. Especially considering things like fidelity, as you mentioned, are becoming less and less valued.

If Hendrik (and other children) would grow up knowing he can turn to God for ANY problem, he will be of exceptionally great service to the people in this world.