Wednesday, February 6, 2013

14 Days of Kent: Day 6

As they say here in Massachusetts, Kent is a real “Smahtie.” I have no idea what his IQ is, but I know he’s really intelligent. He’s not only book-smart (thank goodness!), he’s life smart and street-wise too. I love to tease Kent about his nerdiness, but he’s really proud of his Mathlete days. He did pretty well, so I’m told, and even got to travel to Washington, DC to compete in the national competition. Although I joke about it, I am grateful for his serious math skills. They come in really handy when shopping sales, splitting bills, or adjusting recipes. He’s my human calculator, and it’s awesome.

His math skills induce a heavy interest in statistics. This is a trait that seems to run in his family and many conversations he has with his brothers center around success rates of this or that, performance of this team or that, etc. The combination of his love for stats and his intelligence helps to drive his competitive nature, even if he’s only challenging himself. I can’t tell you the number of times we take different routes home, just to see if he can get there faster (without speeding) or various other challenges he comes up with. We have some friends that we play games with fairly regularly, and I can almost guarantee that Kent is keeping record in his head how many times he comes in first, second, third, and last. I would say most often Kent is competing with himself, rather than, say, me. I don’t know if it’s because he usually doesn’t consider me real competition or just because he likes to beat his own personal records, but I’ll go with the latter.

I really appreciate how his intelligence causes him to be interested in many different things, looking for new things to learn or know about, and blesses him with the capacity to actually be successful at these new endeavors. In almost all cases this makes my life in some way better. For instance, he wanted to know more about gardening: we now have a pretty awesome garden/yard with a variety of plants and I never have to mow the lawn. He was curious about home repairs/construction: we have a finished basement where we can send Hendrik and his toys, at a much lower cost.

Perhaps one of my favorite benefits of his smarts is his ability to carry on a conversation about almost anything. It doesn’t have to be intellectual or relevant, it can be goofy or ridiculous, but Kent will participate in the conversation. He also brings up a lot of topics that are interesting and make me think. This is really helpful with that whole not-getting-tired-of-each-other thing. I’m often impressed with his ability to know a little something about some random topic and be able to share an opinion on it. I’m not gonna lie, it’s pretty attractive.

I just need to keep up a steady regimen of crosswords, sudokus, and brain puzzles to keep up with him. Who wants to be the “dumb wife?” Not I!

HS Graduation - Gotta love that hair...

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